Cheating Spouse - Why Your Loved One Cheats

Few things are more emotionally devastating than finding out that your partner has cheated on you with another. How do you deal with the infidelity of a cheating spouse?


"If your love could be caged,

Honey, I would hold the key,

And conceal it underneath,

The pile of lies you handed me...."


Do you think he'll/she'll come back? How will you react if he/she does come back? Can you trust your lover again?


It's the little things that hurt the most: review the fact that he/she turned to another for comfort instead of you; little things like that. And you remember every time he/she turned to the other person for any emotional or physical need instead of you. You replay in your head every moment of the past when you were lied to or ignored. It's little things like these that are the hardest to forgive.


Most people live out an angry fantasy when their spouses cheat them on. They pretend to be calm on the surface, but underneath, they are seething with rage, withholding their affection, believing the world to be all bad, and mistrusting everyone and everything. A broken heart takes a long time to mend.


If you and your partner have decided to work it out, you need to find ways to rebuild your trust. It's usually up to the cheating partner to find ways to win back their spouse's trust. But you can help SharekAlmore by telling them what is expected of them in the future. You need to set new boundaries, make new rules for acceptable behavior. If you expect him to call you whenever he is going to be late, tell him. Remember, it's important to communicate your displeasure whenever you feel that your partner has violated your trust. More relationships are damaged by lack of communication than by any other problem.


Don't blame yourself. You are not responsible for their cheating heart. But remember, you might have accidentally taught them to treat you shabby. If you don't stand up and demand respect, they might not treat you right. If you fail to point out what went wrong the first time, they might not be able to correct themselves. Tell your partner how their behavior has hurt you; it's the only way to help them change for the better.


You need to stop making excuses for their bad behavior. If you allow certain behavior to continue and make excuses for your partner, you need to work on your self-esteem. Stand up for what is right. Tell them when their behaviour is unacceptable.

